
Florinda is a dance artist and community pharmacist from and based in Malta. Her artistic practice dances through and between arts, humanities, and sciences. As an independent dance practitioner, she initiates, leads, and supports performing arts projects in Malta and internationally, taking on various and variegated roles as a contemporary dance and screendance performer, maker, collaborator, educator, coach, producer, and facilitator. Florinda’s main curiosities are the unearthing and exploring of human-world relations in public space(s) through the moving body, particularly through feminist posthumanist perspectives.
Florinda graduated from the Master Performing Public Space program in Fontys University, (NL) in June 2022. Her artistic research project explored embodied perspectives of (land)scapes through screendance performance. The project initiated an open-ended quest to discover new, more responsive and response-able ways of engaging with environments based on solidarity, care, and compassion. Building upon and through Karen Barad’s theory of Posthuman Performativity, the project was an attempt at co-creation with human and more-than-human, the living and nonliving agents of these (land)scapes, and also, a temporary subversion their immanent power relations through the application of the camera lens.
As a feminist posthumanist researcher, Florinda is currently investigating the activation of bodily resting states within stressful urban public spaces through touch - a response to Donna Haraway’s pheminal provocation to “stay with the trouble” (Haraway, 2016).