

Brandon Gonzalez
Brandon Gonzalez is an interdisciplinary dance artist, choreographer, and educator. His investigations of the body as a resource for artistic practice led him to develop works across a variety of media. He pushes an ecological approach to performance that highlights architecture, objects, and digital media as much as it does the dancing-sensing body. Interested in dance improvisation as a field of inquiry and an open source exchange of embodied knowledge, he is a participating member in the Nita Little Dance Research Laboratory along with Ray Chung and other San Francisco based artists.

Gonzalez works both in the U.S. and Europe and has presented at KOMPANIE OFFSPACE (Germany), Ateneum (Finland), WUK (Austria), The Dallas Contemporary, Mexic-Arte Museum, Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art, SUNDAY RUN_UP (Sweden), FemArt Festival (Kosovo), and Müszi (Hungary), Northern California Performance Platform, and Texas Dance Improvisation Festival. He is currently a Lecturer in the Division of Dance and the School of Art & Design at Texas State University.